8 research outputs found

    „Książka nieufności”. O Rosji Czesława Miłosza

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    The article is a review of an extensive, two-volume collection of Miłosz’s statements entitled Rosja. Widzenia transoceaniczne [Russia: Tran­soceanic Views]. The reviewer, apart from a standard presentation and evaluation of the published work, attempts to discover a deeper sense of the decision to publish, “here and now”, Miłosz’s statements on Russian issues. The collection, which rounds up previously unknown texts written between 1936 and 2004, makes it possible to understand Miłosz’s writings on Russia as a continuation of Marian Zdziechowski’s essays written between the wars, where uncompromising denunciation of the “Eastern peril” was combined with deep respect and sympathy for a Russia that was not imperial

    Powrót z zaświatów – ewolucja motywu w twórczości Stanisława Wyspiańskiego

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    The article concerns the question of the ghost, which runs through the oeuvre of Stanislaw Wyspianski (1869-1907) from his school translation of G. A. Bürger`s Lenora  until the last, unfinished drama Zygmunt August .The article concerns the question of the ghost, which runs through the oeuvre of Stanislaw Wyspianski (1869-1907) from his school translation of G. A. Bürger`s Lenora  until the last, unfinished drama Zygmunt August

    Where does the Plot of Stanisław Przybyszewski’s Dzieci Szatana Take Place? Destruction and Reconstruction of the Represented World

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    One of the characteristics that make Stanisław Przybyszewski’s novels stand out from other contemporary works is the deliberately limited description of the outside world up to the point of blurring the identity of the location where the plot of a given work takes place. In the case of Dzieci Szatana (Satan’s Children), (German Satans Kinder, 1897; Polish edition 1899), one may even talk about ‘a total destruction of the represented world’ (Gabriela Matuszek). At the same time, the author’s numerous comments apparently allow for translating this ‘destruction’ happening in the course of the creative process into a ‘reconstruction’ that corresponds to it in the process of reading. It is through reviewing in more detail and combining various pieces of information included in Dzieci Szatana that directly or indirectly refer to the place of action, as well as confronting them with the biographical, historical and geographic contexts that one may identify with surprising precision the exact place represented in the text and, as a result, to uncover an entirely new aspect of novel axiology.One of the characteristics that make Stanisław Przybyszewski’s novels stand out from other contemporary works is the deliberately limited description of the outside world up to the point of blurring the identity of the location where the plot of a given work takes place. In the case of Dzieci Szatana (Satan’s Children), (German Satans Kinder, 1897; Polish edition 1899), one may even talk about ‘a total destruction of the represented world’ (Gabriela Matuszek). At the same time, the author’s numerous comments apparently allow for translating this ‘destruction’ happening in the course of the creative process into a ‘reconstruction’ that corresponds to it in the process of reading. It is through reviewing in more detail and combining various pieces of information included in Dzieci Szatana that directly or indirectly refer to the place of action, as well as confronting them with the biographical, historical and geographic contexts that one may identify with surprising precision the exact place represented in the text and, as a result, to uncover an entirely new aspect of novel axiology

    Vanishing turning point. Piotr Chmielowski’s difficulties with periodization of the “recent Polish literature”

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    Makeshift solutions are, more often than not, the ones that tend to last longer than expected. "Zarys literatury polskiej z ostatnich lat szesnastu" [An outline of the literature of the last sixteen years] written by Piotr Chmielowski was designed in the author’s intention as a sketch of “rather journalistic than historical features”. The above is clearly indicated by the forewords written by the author to its successive four editions published between 1881 and 1898. Still, despite its lack of pretentions, the book acquired with time the status of a fully-fledged instructive approach to Polish literature of the Positivist period. A closer look at the text with regard to the proposed periodization reveals, however, a number of flaws and aporias committed by Chmielowski, particularly in establishing boundary dates of the proposed literary period. The present article attempts to prove that the source for the inaccuracies and inconsistencies of the solutions proposed in "Zarys" is not so much in their makeshift or the pro tem nature, but rather in the aggressively promoted ideology, represented by Chmielowski, that completely disregarded the nature of literary phenomena.Poznańskie Studia Polonistyczne. Seria Literack

    “I Do Not Describe:” Description in Stanisław Przybyszewski’s Works and Aesthetic Views

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    Artykuł podejmuje znany problem złożonych relacji między twórczością Stanisława Przybyszewskiego a naturalizmem, przenosząc go jednak z płaszczyzny stricte światopoglądowej na bardziej poetologiczną. W centrum uwagi umieszcza bowiem spór o opis i opisowość jako te składniki dzieła literackiego (lub malarskiego), które konstytuują obraz świata. Rzecz dotyczy więc styku estetyki z epistemologią.The article addresses the well-known problem of the complex relations between the works of Stanisław Przybyszewski and naturalism. However, this problem is not discussed in terms of ideology but poetics. The focus is on description and descriptiveness as components of a literary (or painterly) work of art and their role in representing the world, i.e. relations between aesthetics and epistemology

    Between Empire and Colony. Miłosz and Dostoyevski

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    Refleksję Czesława Miłosza nad fenomenem twórczości Fiodora Dostojewskiego umieszcza autor w kontekście studiów postkolonialnych, zwracając uwagę na prekursorski charakter oraz komplementarność szkiców poety o literaturze rosyjskiej wobec analiz Ewy M. Thompson, przeprowadzonych w jej książce Imperial Knowledge. Russian Literature and Colonialism (tłum. pol. Trubadurzy imperium. Literatura rosyjska i kolonializmThe author puts Czesław Miłosz’s reflection of the phenomenon of Dostoyevski’s works in the context of postcolonial studies. He draws the attention to the innovative character and complementarity of the poet’s essays on Russian literature which is different to the its analysis carried out by Ewa M. Thompson in ”Imperial Knowledge. Russian Literature and Colonialism”.

    "Wskrzesić choćby chwilę". Władysława Reymonta zmagania z myślą i formą

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    "Wskrzesić choćby chwilę". Władysława Reymonta zmagania z myślą i formą

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    Fundator badań: Publikacja nie należy do bibliografii W